15. August 2019
Swiss Championships – Montsevelier
The sixth race in a row took last Sunday place in Montsevelier (JU). I have really good memories to this racetrack and the race. In 2014 I won my first national race here. I also like the track very much. It contains three steep uphills and one long downhill which includes some technical sections. I went into the race with a lot of motivation, happiness and with good legs. Our group started very slow because nobody wanted to invest too much power until the first steep uphill. I really felt good in first two laps. I fought together with another rider for place four. In the third lap I felt more and more tired. I couldn’t longer follow her. Gradually the energy left also my head. Nevertheless, I tried to enjoy the great and funny downhills. I finished the Swiss Championships as sixth U23 women. Not really what I expected and what I was fighting for. In retrospect, one’s could say that six races in a row, without a break in between, might not be ideal. But you learn exactly from such events and make some experiences for the future. Now I really look forward to the race-free weekend and I’m absolutely happy and motivated to compete in the European Championships on 29th of July 2017.