15. August 2019
UCI MTB World Cup – Albstadt
Mud, mud, mud and more mud. The second round of the UCI MTB World Cup took last Sunday in the federal state Baden Württemberg (DE) place. The previous days were quite rainy. Therefore, the racecourse was really muddy and slippery. The motto has been «less (braking) is more ». During the first lap, I unfortunately crashed due to another athlete in front of me. The chain felt down the chainring and I couldn’t shift anymore. I finally solved the problem! From position 45, I caught up rider by rider. Therefore, the muddy sections were perfect for me being faster than
others. I also always took the A-line. The B-line is usually slower, but easier to drive. The downhills were so funny because of these special conditions. That’s what cross-country mountain bike sport all about. I was so happy when crossing the finishline. This piece of hope gave me again a bit of self confidence. I’m now already in Nové Mêsto (CZE). Here I’m preparing myself for the next Worldcup, which takes place on next Saturday, 26. May 2018.